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Da Fightin’ Irishman

From the Newark Evening Star, August 22, 1914. by Thomas Daly.

Irishman he mak’ me seeck!
He ees gat excite so queeck,
An’ so queeck for fightin’, too;
An’, besides, you nevva know
How you gonna please heem. So
W’ata deuce you gona do?

W’en I work een tranch wan day
Irish boss he com’ an’ say:
“Evra wan een deesa tranch,
I no care eef he ees Franch,
Anglaice, Dago, Dootch or w’at,
Evra wan’ he musta gat
Leetla piece green to show
For da San Patricio.
Dees ees Irish feasta day.
Go an’ gat som’ green!” he say,
“An’ eef you no do eet, too,
I gon’ poncha head on you!”
So I gat som’ green to show
For da San Patricio.

Bimeby, ‘nudder Irishman
He ees com’ where I am stan’,
An’ growl at me an’ say:
“W’at you wearin’ dat for, eh?
Mebbe so you theenk you be
Gooda Irishman like me.
Green ees jus’ for Irishman,
No for dumb Eyetalian!
Tak’ eet off!” he say, an’, my!
He ees ponch me een da eye!

Irishman he mak’ me seeck,
He ees gat excite’ so queeck,
An’ so queeck for fightin’, too;
An’, besides, you nevva know
How you gona please heem. So
W’ata deuce you gona do?

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