From the Rock Island Argus, November 11, 1912. By Duncan M. Smith. Some are going farther south For a climate new; Some seek cooler northern lands To their strength renew; Some are hiking for the west After health and fame; Western men are going east With the selfsame aim. Some from Mexico are bound For Alaska’s shore; From the north some journey down Where the gulf waves roar; On the warm Pacific slope Some are there from Maine; Others from the far, far west Take the eastern train. In the town where they were born Very few remain. Others come and take their place In the hope of gain. And their paths are often crossed, Touching here and there, As they zigzag back and forth Going everywhere. What a restless age it is For the man perplexed. Stopping first in this man’s town, Striking for the next! Don’t you wish that you could have Planted safe and sound Half the money that it costs For this running round?
On the Move
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