From The Detroit Times, February 13, 1914. By Berton Braley.
When you care for a girl—why, the world is a place
That was only created for holding her,
And the day’s but a light that illumines her face
And the night but a mantle enfolding her;
And when you are working or when you’re at play
Your mind will not turn from the theme of her;
You muse and you think of her always by day,
And when it comes night-time you dream of her!
Where you care for a girl—and the girl cares for you,
Life seems like a pilgrimage glorious,
Where the breezes are sweet and the sky’s always blue
And love is forever victorious;
When you care for a girl and the girl doesn’t care,
Well, life’s dull and gray—there’s no doubt of it,
And it’s hard to keep on with a gay-hearted air
When the light and the joy have gone out of it!
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